

Michael has written 40 posts for RaidenWorks

torch.cuda.is_available() = False 🙄

Just posting this for absolutely my own benefit. I recorded it somewhere before but I keep misplacing the information. 🙃 Every time I create a Python virtual environment (GitHub – raidenworks/create_virtual_env: Windows batch file for quickly creating python virtual environment) for segregating projects and their package dependencies, and where the project would benefit from having … Continue reading

Confusion Matrix Confusion

I was debating with myself whether this was too basic to bring up but after writing it, I’m glad I did. Referencing scikit-learn’s confusion matrix documentation, it’s not immediately apparent what convention the axes follow. When the confusion_matrix function is called, we get the following output: So which value corresponds to True Negative, True Positive, … Continue reading

Plotly makes great interactive visualisations

Data visualisation with Plotly R library Continue reading

MQL4: Get the highest price of a set number of periods, candles, bars

High[x] returns the high price of the period at shift x. iHighest() returns the shift of where the highest price is observed for the defined periods. Combine them to obtain the highest price for the defined periods: double highestPrice = High[iHighest(Symbol(), 0, MODE_HIGH, 10, 1)]; In this example, the last parameter being “1” … Continue reading

MQL5: CopyTime() vs SeriesInfoInteger()

To obtain a period’s open time, we can use either CopyTime() or SymbolInfoInteger() I’ve attached a script testing the speed of each showing that SymbolInfoInteger() is faster than CopyTime() by 50%, even after optimisation.     Just throwing it out there.



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